Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The pretty side of the dark, is the city's night view !!!

The city can never sleeps because the lights is the only hope of everyone. Therefore the city try to brighten itself for the view of human who are looking for their dreams to come true. See how beautiful is the city when the nights arrives. Lets see when the nights come what make the world feel that it is still hopes around -- THE CITY'S NIGHT VIEW !!!

1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2.Toronto, Canada

3. Las Vegas, USA

4. London, England

5. Moscow, Russia

6. Paris, France

7. Napoli, Italy

8. Copenhagan, Denmark

9. Cologne, Germany

10.Sydney, Australia

11. Vienna, Austria

12. Tokyo, Japan

13. Hong Kong

14. Singapore

15. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Lastly, looking at the real life video that show the most beautiful night veiw show that happens every day on 8pm at Garden by the bay. That was a marvelous night view show !!!

" Remember every dark night there is a bright light showing the hope in the corner."


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